Make sand play easy
by Beverly Fergusson, LPGA

Fear is the quickest route to life and in golf. Most students who come to me for a sand lesson have gotten to a stage in their sand game that they fear even stepping foot into the bunker. Failure is usually the outcome of this fear. Confusion from reading instruction articles, from listening to friends trying to help, and from misunderstood instruction, may have created this fear. Let's get rid of the confusion.

My experience early in my golf game was very similar. My misunderstanding, my incorrect concepts for sand play, and my failure to be successful out of the bunker led me to question how to play this shot. There HAD to be an easier way than the standard textbook remedy that my instructors were parroting. I tried all kinds of ways to get the ball out of the trap, but I became successful only after I learned easier concepts.

Let's look at how simple this shot can be: the sand shot is basically a pitch shot. It just doesn't go as far with the same effort. Once you get that concept into your mind, the shot will be a lot easier. Here's an easy way to play the sand shot:

1. SET-UP:

Open stance, ball positioned off left heel, weight more left, hands in middle of stance, open clubface, then take normal grip

2. SOFT, LIGHT, ARMS AND HANDS throughout the swing! (No strangling, please )


Simply turn back using your upper body only, to the "L" position, like a pitch, keeping your right arm in at your side

The club actually travels lower after you hit it.


Here's the simple concept needed to get the ball out of the trap....forget that "hit 2 inches behind the ball " concept and think of your club swinging lower through the sand in front of the ball. Keep the club low after impact.

Use this drill to learn
this concept:


Turn your chest towards the target as you swing through the sand. The club will automatically rise as you turn....because you have a SOFT, LIGHT, HOLD on the club.

Try this simple way to play your sand shots. Experiment with club selection SW, LW, PW, or whatever, and find your favorite one to use. Have fun while you "play" in the sand!

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